Gavin Moscrop

Gavin Moscrop

You rummage through your parents attic looking for retro or antique objects that could be worth something. You notice an old worn cardboard box, inside is a collection of VHS tapes. They all seem to be old 90's era movies and cartoons mixed in with some home videos, Our wedding, Your first walk.

One stands out, a plain black VHS with a black sticker on the front, the text written in red ink. "The Jester Is Coming" it reads, intrigued you take it and the box with the other tapes downstairs and hook up your parents old VCR.

This is the content of the tape.

The Jester is Coming is an Experimental Horror short about a savage creature that follows a tape of a cartoon Jester getting up to Hijinks. It utilises a new genre called analogue horror which focuses around analogue forms of media, VHS tapes, 9mm, etc.

The Art of The Jester is Coming by Gavin Moscrop
Animated TV Series Pitch


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