Ro Benham

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Ro Benham

Dragon Spirit Feature Film Pitch by Ro Benham - BA (Hons) Animation Uclan Graduate Project 2023

Dragon Spirit is a story about a group of young people who meet up during a time of war. One of them is protecting a powerful weapon to prevent its misuse and meets friends who will help her, others are pursuing them to retrieve the weapon. They have a variety of special skills including the ability to shape shift into Dragons of varying types and abilities. The pursuit takes them to a neutral city where help is sought and given, but betrayal also threatens.   


Despite this betrayal the former enemies and friends realise the war must be ended and eventually work together defeating the Queen who caused the war and Amare the keeper of the weapon and a fire dragon becomes Queen herself. It is a story of friendship, fear, adventure and betrayal ending in victory and safety.

Dragon Spirit Pitch Document

The Art of Dragon Spirit by Ro Benham - BA (Hons) Animation


Animated TV Series Pitch

Year 2 Short Film 2022


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