Victoria Dowling

Victoria Dowling 

Not my Type by Victoria Dowling - BA (Hons) Animation Uclan Graduate Project 2023

“Not my Type” is about a 16-year-old girl, named Olivia, who figures Is trying to figure out her sexuality. After going on a date with James, she realises she doesn’t like men. Her friends tease her about the date, and she accidentally comes out to them. This starts some bullying, especially by her former best friend, Izzy. Her very religious parents find out about Olivia’s sexuality, and they kick her out of the house. Even though she feels alone she makes new connections and ends up finding a family that loves her for who she is. 

This story is a coming-of-age story that deals with bullying, sexuality and finding your own family.

Volumes will be released during the course of the year. The video below shows extracts from the graphic novel.

The Art of Not My Type by Victoria Dowling


Animated TV Series Pitch

In a world where danger is at every corner, different factions need to learn how to protect themselves from evil and possibly even from themselves. 

After being saved from an Orc prison by Viserra the elf, Dalgora, Hawyn, Kirdal and Marok have the choice to join Viserras team to investigate and defeat the Orc invading the lands, destroying towns, and enslaving the inhabitants. After accepting the offer the group head out to complete their mission. On the way they run into more problems to solve, including learning how to work as a team. Everyone has secrets, but will these characters secrets help them get closer or will they drive them apart? 

Year 2 Short Film: Prom Queen 2022


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